Mega Code Archive

1) Android
2) ASP.Net
3) ASP.Net Tutorial
4) C
5) C Tutorial
6) C#
7) C# Book
8) C# by API
9) C# Tutorial
10) C++
11) C++ Tutorial
12) Delphi
13) Flash ActionScript
14) Flex
15) Java
16) Java Book
17) Java by API
18) Java Tutorial
19) JavaScript DHTML
20) JavaScript Reference
21) JavaScript Tutorial
22) MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
23) MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
24) MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
26) MSSQL Tutorial
27) MySQL
28) MySQL Tutorial
29) Oracle PLSQL
30) Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
31) Perl
32) Php
33) PostgreSQL
34) Python
35) Python Tutorial
36) Ruby
37) Silverlight
38) VB.Net
39) VB.Net by API
40) VB.Net Tutorial
41) Visual C++ .NET
42) VisualBasic Script
43) XML
44) XML Tutorial
1) Algorithm
2) Basics
3) Bitset
4) Class
5) Console
6) Data Structure
7) Data Type
8) Deque
9) Development
10) File
11) Function
12) Generic
13) Language
14) List
15) Map Multimap
16) Overload
17) Pointer
18) Qt
19) Queue Stack
20) Set Multiset
21) String
22) Valarray
23) Vector
Data Structure
1) [] automatically inserts elements
2) A four-function postfix calculator
3) A list splicing example
4) A map
5) A map of opposites
6) A map of word opposites, using strings
7) A simple bounded 2-d array example
8) A simple map
9) A simple stack example
10) A vector may allocate more memory than it currently needs
11) Access a vector using an iterator
12) Access the elements of a vector through an iterator
13) Accessing a Vector Through an Iterator
14) An example of the transform algorithm
15) Another way to sort a sequence into descending order
16) Array based on int pointer
17) Array Initialization
18) Arrays of Objects
19) Assigning and Displaying Array Values
20) Assigning deque objects
21) Cin and cout work with char array
22) Copy a list to a vector
23) Create a reciprocal function object
24) Create a two-dimensional array of objects
25) Create permutations based on vector
26) Creating and Resizing Vectors
27) Cycle through a map in reverse
28) Cycle through a map using an iterator
29) Cycling through a queue
30) Define a queue
31) Define and init class array
32) Define and initiate a two-dimensional array
33) Define class and store in a list
34) Define our own Queue class
35) Demonstrate a deque
36) Demonstrate a priority_queue
37) Demonstrate accumulate() in vector
38) Demonstrate adjacent_difference() in vector
39) Demonstrate advance() and distance() in list
40) Demonstrate allocators max_size() fucntion in vector
41) Demonstrate back_insert_iterator in vector
42) Demonstrate binary_search() in vector
43) Demonstrate bind2nd()
44) Demonstrate bitset
45) Demonstrate count and count_if
46) Demonstrate count() in vector
47) Demonstrate count_if and not1 in vector
48) Demonstrate count_if()
49) Demonstrate find() and find_if() in vector
50) Demonstrate front_insert_iterator in vector
51) Demonstrate gslice() in valarray
52) Demonstrate inner_product() in vector
53) Demonstrate insert and erase
54) Demonstrate insert_iterator in a vector
55) Demonstrate insert_iterator in vector
56) Demonstrate lower_bound() in vector
57) Demonstrate merge() in list
58) Demonstrate mismatch() in vector
59) Demonstrate partial_sum() in Vector
60) Demonstrate random_shuffle() in vector
61) Demonstrate raw storage iterators
62) Demonstrate remove() in list
63) Demonstrate remove_copy and replace_copy
64) Demonstrate remove_copy in Vector
65) Demonstrate resize() for deque
66) Demonstrate reverse in vector
67) Demonstrate search() in vector
68) Demonstrate slice
69) Demonstrate swap() for deque
70) Demonstrate the queue class
71) Demonstrate unique() in list
72) Demonstrate valarray
73) Demonstrate virtual functons
74) Demonstrates relationship between pointers and arrays
75) Demonstrating a multimap
76) Demonstrating partial_sort() in vector
77) Demonstrating remove() and replace() in vector
78) Demonstrating sort() in vector
79) Demonstrating the four ways that vectors can be created
80) Demonstrating unique() in vector
81) Deque
82) Difference between push_back() and push_front()
83) Elements can be put on the front or end of a list
84) End() in list
85) End() in vector
86) Exchange elements from two different types of containers
87) File and map
88) Find minimum and maximum inside a vector
89) Generating a sequence in vector
90) Implement the selection sort algorithm for int-arrays
91) Incrementing an object pointer
92) Init class array
93) Init two dimension class array
94) Initialize each object in an array by specifying an initialization list
95) Insert one vector into another using an insert iterator
96) Iterator values may change
97) List basics
98) Maps can store only unique keys
99) Matching Elements Using the equals and mismatch Operations
100) Merge and splice lists
101) Merge into descending order
102) Merge two lists
103) Merge two sequences
104) Merging One List with Another
105) Merging wont work if the lists arent ordered
106) Multidimensional Arrays
107) One way to reverse-copy a deque
108) Outputs addresses and values of array elements
109) Perform an in-place merge for two vectors
110) PriorityQueue
111) Push value in the list
112) Queue
113) Reverse iterators and copy
114) Right-rotate a sequence in vector
115) Rotate a sequence in vector
116) Set
117) Set operatrions
118) Set_union, set_difference, set_symmetric_difference, set_intersection
119) Sort a list
120) Sorting a vector into descending order in vector
121) Store a class object in a vector
122) Store class objects in a list
123) Storing Class Objects in a List
124) Storing class objects in a priority_queue
125) Storing Class Objects with overloaded operators in a Vector
126) The basic operation of a vector
127) The difference between push_back() and push_front()
128) To input numbers into an array and output after
129) Transform algorithm based on list
130) Transforming a sequence in vector
131) Traverse a List Using an Iterator
132) Two dimension object array
133) Understanding end() in List
134) Use a binary function object in list transform
135) Use a function adaptor in vector
136) Use a map of strings to create a phone directory
137) Use a map to create a phone directory
138) Use a multimap to create the phone directory
139) Use a unary function object to determine evenodd
140) Use for_each() in vector
141) Use istream_iterator to read various data types
142) Use istream_iterator with the copy algorithm
143) Use ostream_iterator for string
144) Use pop_back() and empty()
145) Use reverse iterators
146) Use the greater function object in Map
147) Use the logical_not unary function object in vector
148) Using [] in Map
149) Using a different comparison function
150) Using a list
151) Using a list to store mailing addresses
152) Using a multiset to record responses to a polling question
153) Using a Variable Pointer to Point to an Array
154) Using an arrays as a container
155) Using clear()
156) Using copy() in Vector
157) Using Other Search functions
158) Using reverse() to create a palindrome tester
159) Using swap_ranges() in Vector
160) Using the cin and cout Objects with Arrays
161) Vector
162) Vector Capacity vs size
163) Vector Init Array
164) Work with heaps
165) Your own Queue class